Feb 5, 2022
Founding president of CellularOne, pioneering visionary of the online payment industry, serial entrepreneur, local government leader, major motion picture award-winning executive producer, race car driver, recreational pilot, and remarkably nice guy, Gene M. Valentino shares some of his life experience and perspective with us.
With over 8 years of public service Gene was up close and personal as County Commissioner with the citizens in his precincts within his county. Gene wrote the first economic development incentive ordinance of law, providing incentives for business. The focus was on jobs. He traveled to Farnborough, England, Paris, and Berlin to meet world-class businesses to identify their needs and to lobby for their interest in bringing their businesses to the Panhandle of Florida.
This podcast is filled with sound knowledge, wisdom, and constitutional truths we all need to know for today, and tomorrow. Enjoy!